

Utah Girls Love You sending you all some positive vibes and love on this beautiful morning! Don’t ever give up on you! Keep believing that each new day is going to be better than the last and it will happen. Believe it in your heart and soul, never give up on yourself! Much love to All today. Thank you so much for believing in U.G.L.Y., because we believe in you!

Make a Difference..
Happiness is truth


Utah Girls Love You UGLY

Deseparate Need

Monthly bus passes for Single Mommies Transportation 

Monthly bus passes for Single Mommies Transportation 

We are in desperate need of few bus passes for some of our Single's mommies to have some type of transportation.

Please contact us by or at
Jazmine at

June Adult Monthly Pass
The Adult Monthly Pass is good for unlimited travel on local buses and TRAX for one calendar month. This fare applies to passengers ages 18-64. Additional fare will be required on express and premium services, including Front-Runner commuter rail. Please Note: Monthly passes ordered between the 15th and 19th of each month will not be mailed out until the 20th.

Cost $83.75

Utah Girls Love You UGLY

Getting the building ready to open new Thrift shop

Omg, we are finished with grinding the floors with the help of the Awesome and hardworking Adams family. Brittany Taylor Adams, Joe and their kiddos, the Larkin boys and my awesome hubby. Hard working individuals and I couldn't have done it with you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, feeling grateful and blessed with our new venture. Thrift store coming soon, 10 West Center St. Pleasant Grove
💋 Utah Girls Love You ❤ UGLY

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Never too old!!

Never too late 

Never too late 

Love this video! Check it out
This proves, we are never too old, to go after our passions in life. No matter, how many people say, it will never happen, work, or that is crazy. The sky is the limit. 
Jazmine Utah Girls Love You


Never Forgotten Prince

Okay guys! We are huge fans of Prince and we are heart broken over the loss of a legendary artist of our generation and we will rock out for the entire weekend to Prince.

We thank you Prince for sharing your amazing talent which resulted in many adult beverages, many bad choices and late nights, dancing away to 1999 memories that have defined us throughout our lives.

Mental Health Awareness

We hope everyone had a terrific and productive Tuesday!!!

Mental health will affect 1 in 4 Americans and that number is very alarming.

We were given the opportunity to help a young mother whom was struggling with mental health issues, watching this women struggling to gather perspective on the situation was completely heart breaking on so many levels and to witness her children watching her be confused was equally heart breaking.

As, we tried to gain trust with this struggling women to get her help was devasting to see up close n personal, sure did change our feelings for individuals struggling with mental health issues. We were able to help this young mother get the help she needed and get her child to a family member, were he is in a now safe environment. We send our love and prayers to this family.

Utah Girls Love You will take a stronger stance when it comes to mental health and vow to bring awareness to this terrible illness that is growing daily and adding to our homeless population everyday.

We need to give a huge shout out to my neighbors, who were willing to get involved and help with this devastating situation, that ended on a true positive note. Thanks ladies, you gals are the best!!

Mental Health Awareness!!!

Positive = Positive
Make a difference.
Happiness is truth.